Wednesday, November 01, 2006


you asked me last night what things you have done in the past six months that show me you love me. I decided that it would be good for me to write some of them down.

Sent me flowers when you were away
ordered a beautiful bench because I was tired of toys lying everywhere
you organized my choir music
volunteer to watch our son so I can do girl stuff and be by myself
call me throughout the day
email me
leave love messages for me
blog about your feelings
hold me when I cry
tell me you love me
share your thoughts and experiences of the day
make up a teacher's policies thing for me
try to help me sleep by encouraging me to go to bed earlier, turning off the computer, and do relaxing stuff
Not get impatient when I express the same feelings over and over.

These are not the extent of what you have done, and are all pretty recent, but I wanted you to know that I have noticed.

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