Monday, August 21, 2006

And...then back again

For the first time this weekend, I started to feel some pity for the other woman. I realized that her hate is the result of deep wounds. I also sympathized with her wanting closure. Last night she e-mailed my husband denying her own responsibility in what happened and closed with "You are pathetic and I hope you burn in hell." It was a wake up call to me that she isn't a nice person. Regardless of her pain, she still has a responsibility to behave decently. She can't be trusted, and the pain in her life is just because she tried to break up a marriage. What would have been unjust would be for her to have gotten my husband in the end. She tried to steal, lie, manipulate, and seduce, and she got exactly what she deserved.

I feel at peace with the letters we sent, and that we gave her money for her bills. I'm not going to waste any more time worrying about her. We both did everything we could to behave decently to all involved.

1 comment:

Mea Culpa said...

Amen to that. We have done all we could. I just hope she doesn't take the letter from you as an invitation to now take her pain and frustration with me out on you.