Thursday, October 05, 2006

What you've done right

You cut off contact from her.
You made sure things were strictly business so she didn't hold onto hope of a friendship.
You have done everything you can to get her out of our life.
You cancelled your cell phone.
You set up counseling and our Retrouvaille weekend.
You are so attentive to our son.
You help out around the house.
You spend so much of your free time with us.
You are willing to talk, cry, listen, and hold me.
You have answered all my questions.
You are up front about where you are.
You call me all day to tell me you love me.
You share your struggles with me.
You don't leave or walk away when I am angry.
You are willing to do anything that might bring healing.
You do thoughtful things like bathe our son and let me sleep in.
You do thoughtful things like buy a book on sleeping, send me flowers, and clean out the fridge.
You give up guy time when things aren't right with me.
You blog faithfully.
You show remorse and repentance.
You don't hide from the problems and take responsibility for your actions.
You pray the rosary faithfully and pray with me every night.
You didn't take a lot of classes and perpetuate the problem.
You never get defensive.
You came clean with your parents and talked to mine right away.
You offered to support me even if we separated.
You have bonded with our son and made him love you.

1 comment:

Mea Culpa said...

Now, what is the list of things I have done wrong? I think that one is more important. I need to know what things I can fix so that I know how to support you better.